Gainesville Flag Football Pickup Groups for Adults
Norman Field Flag Football Group:
Gainesville Flag Football Facebook Group Norman Field
The Gainesville Flag Football group I play with. We play every Friday generally at 7:15 at Norman Field which is on the corner of Museum and 13th. Flags are provided and there is a parking garage, bathroom and drinking fountains on site. Cleats are recommended. It is a friendly group that welcomes anyone 18+ to play regardless of skill and age. We are competitive but the focus is on fun and friendliness.
Flavet Field Flag Football Group:
Gainesville Flag Football Facebook Group Flavet Field
I haven’t played with them yet but they normally play at Flavet Field around 5pm on Sundays. I believe that sometimes they play at Norman Field on Sunday during the summer around 5pm. Check out their Facebook page to keep up to date on games!
Gainesville Flag Football Leagues For Adults:
Northwood YMCA Gainesville Flag Football League:
Season Spring (March – May)
Westside Baptist Flag Football League:
Season January – April
Trinity United Methodist Church Flag Football League:
Not much information except that it is 4v4. I did hear that there will be a tournament there around Oct or Nov 2015.
Florida Flag Football League:
Not specific to Gainesville but it seems the biggest one for Florida:
Contact me about Gainesville Flag Football Groups and Leagues
If you know of any other Flag Football groups or leagues or would just like to update the information on this page please feel free to contact me at